Our investment solutions provide game-changing flexibility. We are mindful that our work must best serve the public.

Every citizen has a stake in the legal system. Every citizen deserves access to equal justice through their public servants. Arran Capital helps public sector entities fund affirmative litigation, alternative dispute resolution, or legal expenses.

Too often, large corporate defendants opposing public sector litigation try to leverage their financial advantage to exhaust and overwhelm public sector entities, pushing them into unfair settlements. This is troubling because many legitimate claims end up avoided or abandoned.

Legal financing equalizes the playing field and promotes fairness.

Arran Capital legal financing benefits.

  • Financial and operational flexibility to take above the line costs off the public entity balance sheet.
  • Funds for attorney and expert fees, and other legal costs.

  • Public sector entities can fund litigation that ultimately benefits citizens.

  • Potentially quicker litigation resolution.

  • New opportunities for investors to earn returns on recoveries which also align with impact investing strategies.

  • Public client law firms can better manage litigation risk and develop improved engagement structures with public sector clients.

  • Budget flexibility that promotes organizational stability for elected officials, chief financial officers, and the legal team.

Arran Capital capitalizes upon these national trends.

  • Investment capital is struggling to source and invest in quality deals and markets. With the increasing challenge to deploy capital, entering into and locking down this new, untapped market sector is well founded.
  • The rapid growth in affirmative litigation filed by public sector entities creates hundreds of millions of dollars of recoveries. These recoveries will be nationwide, and will be measured in decades, not years.
  • Given increasing federal political and regulatory uncertainty, states, cities, and counties lead on public policy matters and citizen service delivery.
  • Increasing budgetary pressure on states, cities, and counties to do more with less; deal with ever-tighter budget margins; and the need for affirmative litigation to provide budget assistance.
  • Demand by elected officials, chief financial officers, and chief legal officers to utilize creative and cost-conscious legal approaches and avail themselves of innovative new funding sources. The public sector is recession proof. Its need to maintain core service delivery will mandate new funding sources and capital.

Legal financing assists meritorious public sector litigation while generating compelling investment returns.